How to find a farmer’s market

One of the things I look for as soon as I get to a new town is: Do they have a farmer’s market? And when is it?

You’ll find the freshest food here and you can usually meet the people who grow your food.

Also, they’re typically held outside, which the CDC says is the safest place to be these days. The markets we’ve been to have all had strict guidelines in place - limiting the number of people inside, masks for everyone, 6-ft apart, etc. Unless you’re getting food delivered to your house, this might just be the safest option for food shopping. (I’m not a doctor, of course, but I know I feel safer when I’m shopping outdoors!)

I’ve been going to farmer’s markets for years. Eating local tastes better, it’s better for the environment and it helps the local economy. This is a good article that explains why.

But how do you find one? The USDA has put together a directory listing nearly 9,000 of them across the U.S.

Also, you can just google it. Try “farmer’s market near me” or type in “farmer’s market” and the name of the town you’re in.

Pro tip: If you go late, towards closing time, a lot of vendors are eager to move their product and sometimes you can get good deals. Be sure to take your own bags, and it helps to have cash on hand because some vendors don’t take plastic.


Oyster Mushroom Pasta


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